Wednesday, May 03, 2006

some pictures that i took when i was in camp and on my way to camp. i realised that as the day for my departure draws nearer, i feel more and more attached to alot of things around me. i feel like taking them down into pictures and save it in my computer, so that when i'm off to australia, i can still refer to them...

another reason that i keep on taking pictures are b'coz, i wanna practise my photography skills... i have a normal compact camera, but i'm learning to take nice angles with it.

still waiting for my DSLR, but realised that my camera is doing a good job. so not much complains. except that sometimes, i can't take proper night shots and also some fast moving objects. anyways, those arn't really that impt yet. i personally feel that if i can capture the right moments and finding the right angles for photos, it would be a waste to get a digital SLR.

anyways, i'm tired, going bed now...nites...

1 comment:

hASHbrown said... nice..... slowly lah.... compact cameras r so easy to carry around.